It has been sometime in between my other stories and this new story about a helicopter. In the meantime, I've been very, very busy. Being six is not easy. I have to go to school all day. And this week, we had a short holiday so I went to visit my Auntie and my cousin in their vacation home.
I visited the Aviodrome and got a new helicopter. So this story is about a Helicopter.
There was once an old army helicopter, and he worked by an old army base. His rotor was destroyed and so he could no longer use them.
He had to go to a museum. A truck came to the military base to take the helicopter to the museum where all the children came to have a look at him.
In the night, there was a meeting where all the children could come and have a look at all the airplanes and the helicopters. All the children came and sat around the old army helicopter and he thought they were going to use him.
But they took off his guns and canons and sent him back again to the military base. He was made to stay in the military base until a new helicopter came that they could use.
The next day, all the people came to have a look at the old army helicopter, but then there came a huge earthquake and the walls broke in two. A military tank had bumped into the museum by accident.
So, the military helicopter was sent for. They asked him if he could come and work for them again. And he was very, very happy.
He stayed for three nights in the military base and he was allowed to fly again.
Er was eens een oude leger helicopter en hij werkte bij een oude leger basis. Zijn wieken waren kapot en dus kon hij niet meer vliegen.
Hij moest naar een museum. Er kwam een truck naar de military basis om de helicopter te brengen naar de museum waar de kinderen hem konden bekijken.
In de nacht was er een vergadering. Alle kinderen kwamen om te kijken naar de vliegtuigen en de helicopters. Alle kinderen gingen zitten rond de oude helicopter en hij dacht dat ze hem kwamen gebruiken.
Maar ze namen zijn kanonen af, en sturden him terug naar de militaire basis. Hij moest daar blijven tot een nieuwe helikopter kwam die ze konden gebruiken.
De volgende dag kwamen alle mensen om de helicopter te bekijken. Er was een grote schock en de muren braken in tweeen. Een militaire tank had per ongeluk tegen de muur gebotst
Dus gingen ze vragen of de helikopter nog een keer voor hen wilde werken en de oude helikopter was heel erg blij.
Hij bleef voor drie nachten in de militaire basis en hij mocht rond vliegen.